Upright and Down to Earth

Charlotte Selver, my mentor in the practice of Sensory Awareness, traveled and taught until only months before her death at 102. Some of her longtime students had the great fortune of co-leading workshops with Charlotte in the last years of her long life. Many of these sessions were filmed by Sascha Rimasch for the Sensory Awareness Foundation.

This is an excerpt from a class I offered during Charlotte Selver’s 2001 Sensory Awareness Study Period at Green Gulch Farm Zen Center near her home in Muir Beach, California. As was usually the case, Charlotte participated  in the class, quietly exploring at times, then observing the students’ explorations –  always the engaged student of life processes she had been for most of her life. I am still very grateful for these opportunities.

I was not able to contact all participants to get their okay to be seen in this footage. At the time people signed a release form for use of their appearance in publications of the Sensory Awareness Foundation. I am using these videos courtesy of the SAF but this is not an SAF publication. If you see yourself and do not want to be seen, please contact me.

What is your experience? I'd love to hear.